About Your Teeth Wisdom Teeth Archives - About Your Teeth

Q & A's

Is it wise to remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are your third set of molars. They are the last of your teeth to grow and are situated in the back of the mouth. Common misunderstandings surround the origin of their name, reasons for their removal and why they cause pain. “The term ‘wisdom teeth’ is age-related – third molars don’t erupt until the […]

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars. Normally people have three permanent molars that develop in each quadrant of the mouth; upper, lower, right and left. The first molars usually grow into the mouth at around six years of age. The second molars grow in at around age 12. The third molars usually will try to […]

When to Remove Wisdom Teeth

The following symptoms may indicate that the wisdom teeth have erupted and surfaced, and should be removed before they become impacted, in other words, the teeth have surfaced and have no room in the mouth to grow. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: Pain Infection in the mouth Facial swelling Swelling […]

What Is an Impaction?

When a tooth’s path into the mouth is impeded, it is often said to be ‘impacted’ and the patient has an ‘impaction’. However, teeth not all unerupted teeth are impacted. It may be that it is still too early in someone’s dental development, and if time passes they might grow in properly. A dentist must […]