Can tooth decay affect infants?

Yes! Tooth decay in infants and young children most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but also may affect other teeth. Parents may not realise that a baby’s teeth can decay soon after they first appear. The decay may even enter the underlying bone structure, which can hurt development of the permanent teeth. This problem is frequently caused by the feeding habits parents establish to manage behavioural problems. The condition is commonly referred to as baby bottle tooth decay. This decay is caused by long-term exposure of a child’s teeth to liquids containing sugars. When a child consumes a sugary liquid, acid attacks the teeth and causes decay. Some parent use such drinks as pacifiers in an attempt to settle the child. Prolonged exposure of the teeth to the sugary fluids may lead to extensive dental decay.
Bottle caries is an extremely debilitating and painful condition and in many cases requires the removal of all of the babies teeth. It is important to ensure that similar habits are not continued with the eruption of the second, permanent teeth.