About Your Teeth Find Out More - About Your Teeth

Q & A's

I am pregnant. Should I avoid X-rays?

It depends on the type of X-ray you need and exactly how much radiation you’re going to be exposed to. As an example most dental X-ray are only 0.01 millirad. To keep this in perspective, during pregnancy your baby is exposed to about 100 millirads of natural radiation from the sun and earth. A CT scan, typically requested […]

Types of x-rays

Dental x-rays are pictures of the teeth, bones, and tissues around them. They help identify problems with the teeth, mouth and jaws.  X-ray pictures can show cavities, hidden dental structures (such as wisdom teeth), and bone loss that cannot be seen during a purely visual examination. Dental X-rays may also be done as follow-up after dental treatments. The X-rays […]

What are bitewing x-rays?

Bitewing x-rays show the upper and lower back teeth and how the teeth touch each other in a single view. They do not display the complete tooth and at best show only the top two thirds. These x-rays are used to check for decay between the teeth.  Existing fillings can be seen and evaluated for decay. […]

Why would I need a periapical x-ray?

A periapical x-ray shows the entire tooth, from the exposed crown to the end of the root and the bones that support the tooth. These X-rays are used to identify dental problems below the gum line or in the jaw, such as impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and bone changes linked to some diseases. It […]

The thirteen dental specialities: what do they actually do?

Did you know, that like medicine, dentistry also has its own specialists. There are thirteen recognised dental specialties in Australia and each specialty focusses on a very specific set of dental treatments. Your general or primary care dentist completes the equivalent of at least 6 years of University based training and on graduating, is fully licensed to do […]

What are the common teeth issues that come with age?

When life gets busy there are some things that simply drop off our radar – a balanced diet, regular exercise and enough sleep which are all important for our overall health. And it’s just as important that we don’t let our oral health fall off our radar too. While the number of people visiting dental […]

Drinking coffee may help keep your teeth

Coffee could not only perk you up in the morning but could also help protect you from gum disease, researchers have found. In a 2010 study, both red wine and coffee are known to have a number of compounds which are known to possess antimicrobial, anti-adhesive, and anti-plaque activities and that coffee and red wine drinkers had […]

Interesting facts about Dental Implants

In recent years, dental implants have become a popular solution for replacing missing teeth and when placed well and by experienced surgeons, they are extraordinarily successful.  But did you know that the earliest tooth replacements date back to thousands of years ago? Early civilisations experimented with different kinds of implants in an attempt to replace […]